Prenatal Massage

Hey beautiful Mumma to be, we know how stressful carrying a child can be on our incredible bodies. Let our qualified and nurturing pregnancy massage therapists ease some of your aches and pains and to help you relax.

A prenatal massage will help relieve depression and anxiety related to pregnancy, as well as reduce swelling.

Please note that we don’t provide prenatal massages until the 2nd trimester. Before getting a pregnancy massage, make sure to get the ok from your GP or midwife.

60mins – $125
(includes gst)
(Note: 2nd and 3rd trimester only)

Postnatal Massage

You have been carrying quite the load Mumma the past few months and your shoulders, back, legs and feet will be tired, tight and sore. As you head into caring for your newborn baby, it’s easy to forget about your own well-being. 

If you can spare some time to allow yourself to unwind, recoup some energy and work on getting your pre-baby body and energy back, we would love to help you on your road to post birth recovery. 

All of our massage therapists are Mothers and have a thorough understanding and knowledge on what new Mothers need as they try to balance care for the newborn baby and themselves.

A postnatal massage therapy can help you regain your pre-pregnancy figure, reduce engorgement, improve milk flow, and constrict your womb back into its original position. Not to mention help you to relax and decompress from the demands of being a Mother to a newborn.

Please note: Generally, following a vaginal delivery, you may receive massages as soon as you feel comfortable and desire to. For a cesarean delivery 4-6 weeks is the standard time frame by that time your incision should be healed and you will be comfortable lying face down. We do recommend clearance from your physician.

60min – $125
​(inc gst)