Thermal Stone Massage

You know what’s different about our Thermal Stone massage?
We use hot and cold stones that we have personally collected from on our walks throughout our travels in Tasmania and the world.

​Each one has been carefully chosen based on their individual shape, smoothness and size. These stones haven’t been mass produced, they have been thoughtfully chosen for their beauty and suitability to thermal stone massage, bringing a centering to mother earth into our thermal stone massage treatments. 

Apart from its traditional benefits, thermal stone massage can ease muscle tension, reduce stress, and promote relaxation.

Using carefully selected hot and cold stones to suit each client’s body contours and tension areas, our massage therapist applies pressure directly on the stones and indirectly on muscles and joints at specific points on the body in order to reduce tension and release toxins deep inside of your muscles; as well as increasing circulation and releasing knots faster than would occur with a regular massage.

80mins – $180 (inc. gst)