We understand how important it is to be supported and to support local businesses in the local community. At NOVA Holistic Spa, not only are we passionate about providing wellness opportunities to our clients, but we are also passionate about creating awareness of like-minded businesses.  

We are pleased to integrate our wellness services with local businesses, because it allows both our clients and our affiliated business’s clients to have access to a comprehensive
wellness path that transcends beyond the traditional spa experience.

​These synergetic collaborations allow us to broaden the horizons of our wellness services and extend the NOVA Holistic Spa experience to as many Hobart residents and visitors alike.

Our Local Business Friends

Become a Nova Friend

Are you a business that shares our passion for holistic wellbeing and is committed to creating a healthier world?
We are always excited to explore potential partnerships with businesses aligned with our values. Let’s work together to enhance our clients’ wellness journey and create synergies that benefit all parties involved.
You and your staff will receive discounts, reward points and invites to special occasions.
​If you’re interested in becoming a partner and integrating your offerings with our holistic wellness experience, please express your interest below. 

I’d like to know more about the NOVA local business partnership!

First name

Last name

Business Name




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​We look forward to welcoming you to our growing network of wellness friends and together, we can illuminate the path to holistic wellbeing for more individuals.